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Forensic anthropologists (FAs) are called upon in a variety of medicolegal contexts to assist in the investigation of fleshed, decomposed, burned, or skeletonized remains. There are many ways that a forensic anthropologist can contribute to the medicolegal death investigation:
Search and Recovery of Human Remains, including
Skeletonized remains
Fragmentary remains
Fire scenes
Disinterments from cemeteries (some FAs)
Use of ground-penetrating radar (some FAs)
Scene Documentation & Taphonomic Interpretation
Map scenes – hand-drawn, total station, 3D scanning (some FAs)
Estimate postmortem interval or “time since death”
Evaluate primary vs secondary site depositions
Interpret distribution of remains in scene context
Identify taphonomic (biotic and abiotic) influences on remains
Determination of Medicolegal Context, including
Osseous or non-osseous
Human or non-human
Visual assessment (can often be done via photographs)
Histological analysis of small bone fragments
Human, medicolegal significance
Differentiating modern remains from archaeological (ancient or historic) remains and anatomical specimens
Carbon 14 dating of remains (some FAs)​

An ABFA Diplomate teaches with her Anatomage table
Analysis of Human Remains to Assist in Identification
Sort commingled remains
Estimate the minimum number of individuals
Estimate biological profile (parameters to help narrow searches)
Biological sex
Ancestry/Population Affinity
Possible identifying features
Describe and interpret pathological conditions that affect the skeleton
Assess personal identification (some FAs)
Comparative (antemortem to postmortem) radiography (skeletal/dental)
Surgical implants
Photographic superimposition
Assist with skeletal sampling for DNA or other analyses
Perform isotopic analysis to estimate geographic origins (some FAs)
Conduct histological age-at-death analyses (some FAs)
Approximate 2D and 3D facial reconstructions (some FAs)
Analysis of Skeletal and Cartilaginous Trauma
Distinguish between trauma and postmortem changes
Determine timing of trauma
Healing or healed trauma (occurred before death)
Non-healing trauma (occurred around the time of death)
Histological analysis (some FAs)
Determine type of trauma
Blunt force trauma
Gunshot trauma
Sharp force trauma (including dismemberments)
Thermal (fire) modifications
Blast trauma
Document and interpret trauma
Minimum number of impacts/events
Class characteristics of tool (e.g., SFT, dismemberments)
Overall trauma patterning
Distinguishing normal vs aberrant burn patterning
Distinguishing non-accidental from accidental trauma in children and elderly individuals
Mass Disaster Response
Scene operations
Mortuary operations
Incident Family Assistance Center operations
Human Rights Investigations
Field operations
Mortuary operations
If your local forensic anthropologist does not provide a specific type of analysis (e.g., isotopes or facial reconstructions), they can often act as a liaison to other specialists who can assist.
Search and Recovery
Scene Documentation
Mdicolegal Context
Analysis of HR for Identificaton
Analysis of Skeletal Trauma
Mass Disaster Response
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